After the last few years it was so amazing to see the full Easter celebrations in Nerja last week! Processions celebrated “Miércoles Santo” or Saint’s Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Friday and Easter Sunday.
If you have never been to Nerja at Easter then you must book now for next year! The processions which are religious in nature, are an amazing sight to behold as the saints are carried through the streets accompanied by wind band music and most traditional smells.
Easter in Nerja starts with Domingo de Ramos or Palm Sunday where a parade shows the arrival of Christ into Jerusalem. Children are carrying palms and olives around the centre of the town finishing at El Salvador Church.
On Holy Wednesday we enjoy the procession of the brotherhood “Cofradia Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo and Virgen de los Desamparados” which started 25 years ago as a children’s procession – a group of children carried a Virgin which was actually a Barbie doll dressed up along Calle Nueva.
What started as a game between a group of kids has now turned into a very important celebration were you will see many children and grown ups involved.
People dressed as Nazarenos in purple and white accompany a float bearing the image of Jesús Nazareno carrying the cross followed by the float of Mary Virgen de La Esperanza.
Behind the floats and especially on Good Friday you will find many women dressed in black praying. Many of these carry a candle or a rosary.
The main route of these processions take place along the streets: C/ Puerta del Mar, C/ Pintada, Plaza Cantarero, C/ Méndez Nuñez, C/ Bronce, C/ Cruz, C/ Ánimas, C/ Granada, Plaza Cavana, C/ Carmen y Balcón de Europa.
Holy Thursday is the day in Nerja for the procession organised by the brotherhood “Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de los Dolores” which was founded in 1793 and has been a big tradition for Nerja for over two centuries now.
The same brotherhood is in charge of organising the procession of Holy Friday – El Santo entierro or in english the holy burial – the first thing you will see on this procession is the body of Jesus lying in state followed by the float of the virgin Maria Santísima de los Dolores.
Holy Easter in Nerja culminates on Holy Sunday with the procession during the day which celebrates the resurrection – where balconies are decorated with white drapes hanging and streets are covered in fresh rosemary and other herbs delighting all the senses.
With temperatures reaching 25 degrees on Sunday, this Easter saw Nerja’s bars, restaurants and beaches buzzing – everything is finally feeling back to normal!